Tuesday, January 24, 2017


My story begins a long time ago, as a young child growing up in a meat eating home. I for some reason went in the fridge and would grab some veggies and pasta and call it good. I would enjoy many meals without meat. My mom was deathly allergic to fish, this was not around in our home. Though one day I would come to find that I really enjoy some sashimi (raw fish). Many more years later I find that I will eat almost anything as long as I know where it comes from.

I have a beautiful daughter that is turning six in February. I figure if I lead by example she will either follow or call my bluff and try to find other foods to eat. Lucky for me, I do the shopping so she does not get to make the choice of what foods we keep in the house. I try and find foods and resources that are local then my daughter and I get to meet the farmers and go visit the farms.

Back to the kitchen ~ I love it! My daughter and I spend hours in there coming up with new ideas. I get to educate her while she believes she is playing and of course making her own recipe. We make our own pizza's, muffins, breads, cheese's and so on.

"Does that come from a cow?" says, my daughter 
"Then that's not real milk!" 

Proud Mommy Moments!

Then one day I went to the Dr. and she told me I may have Lupus. I said, "WHAT" that is impossible. I dirt bike, go to school full time, work full time and I am a mom of a four year old. No Way!  I went home feeling very uneasy and and somewhat defeated thinking I may have this lifetime illness that I don't know anything about. Wow. I did not know what to do. I did some soul searching and then began to look at foreign substances in my body and had my "AHA" moment. 

Could it be the birth control? I don't know. I called the Dr.'s office and they called me in and said, "Your enzymes are off we should do another blood test and reassess your count." I thought sure great idea and in the meantime, made mention of the NUVA RING being a possibility. She clearly dismisses this idea and states we will wait for the blood test results. We get them back and miraculously all counts are level and she wonders what could be different. I took the POS NUVA RING out and viola. 

I went ahead and chose another Dr. and her take a blood sample and told her what my experience was with this other Doctor and my new Dr. was more than happy to oblige me of another test. Again, same results no LUPUS. I am now working on my journey with nutrition and integrating my current AAS degree and knowledge with Early Childhood Education. 

Oddly enough, I have made it my mission to always be mindful of whats we put in our bodies and it starts in the kitchen! Here I am today beginning my new future to better feed my daughter and better educate myself with what we are putting in our bodies. I have operated my own childcare/enrichment center and was part of the USDA food program and was able to purchase organic foods and feed the children with these products. I was not aware farm to table at the time, but if I was able to I would have participated in a CSA or a local farm.  

Please like my story and follow my blog and journey! I look forward to meeting you and sharing stories and recipes! Thanks for reading my story.